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2011年3月11日,日本當地時間14時46分,日本東北部海域發生里氏9.0級地震并引發海嘯,造成重大人員傷亡和財產損失。地震引發的海嘯影響到太平洋沿岸的大部分地區,并且造成日本福島第一核電站1-4號機組發生核泄漏事故,觸動了世界。此次地震也被稱為“東日本大地震”。 作為世界上一支具有決定性力量的經濟體,日本在地震中所遭受的打擊也讓正處于經濟危機“恢復期”的世界經濟又繃緊了神經。國際貨幣基金會組織發言人阿特金森曾表示“日本正在發生的事態顯然對全球經濟造成影響”,認為短期內東日本地震將沖擊日本和全球經濟。 全球共有232個國家和地區,單從面積上看,陸地面積只有37萬多平方千米的日本,在全球的排名在60名左右,雖地域狹小但卻地震頻發的國家。僅從震級來看,日本東地震不算最大,從死傷人數上看也不是最多。1960年的智利大地震震級高達里氏8.9級(又有報為9.5級)。發生在智利中部海域,并引發海嘯及火山爆發。為歷史上震級最高的一次地震。但沒有哪一次地震像日本東地震這樣對世界經濟影響這么大。為什么這么一個小小的國家發生的地震會影響全世界、會震動全球經濟? 日本在19世紀60年代前,是一個落后的閉關自守的封建農業國家,70年代,推行軍國主義路線,靠對外侵略,發動戰爭掠奪財富而迅速崛起。二戰戰敗,日本經濟出現嚴重崩潰。然而戰后,日本利用島國多優良港灣的特點,大量進口原料和燃料,再利用當時日本國內高素質、低價格的勞動力,對原材料進行加工,成品再出口到國際市場。當時國際市場上大多數國家,經過一場戰爭,正是百廢待興,對工業產品的需求量很大,從而成全了日本的經濟發展。日本也逐漸形成了“進口——加工——出口”型經濟。這種類型的經濟在國際貿易市場上是占主動地位的,獲利也是頗豐的,但它對國際市場的依賴性很強,一旦國際市場出現風吹草動,勢必會影響到日本的經濟,同樣,日本的經濟也會影響國際經濟的發展?梢哉f,日本的經濟發展模式把自己的命運和整個世界維系在了一起。 隨著世界市場的逐漸形成,20世紀末的日本的產品已經憑借可靠的加工技術在國際市場占據了一席之地。換句話說,日本已經把世界市場當成了自家的市場,而世界市場上要是沒有了日本人的東西肯定也會有人挨餓。日本經濟可以說是世界經濟一體化大格局下比較成功的典型,一體化讓市場更加豐富了,但同時也造成了彼此更強的依賴性。 此次的地震給日本帶來了嚴重的人員傷亡和財產損失,由于地震引發海嘯、火災,一些城市,如巖手縣陸前高田市、氣仙沼市幾乎全城毀滅,而日本福島第一核電站的核泄漏,是過去20多年間世界上最嚴重的核事故。據路透社報道,巴克萊資本和瑞士信貸銀行的預測認為,日本的災難損失估計可能超過15萬億日元,約占日本GDP的3%。而日本地震給世界帶來的影響卻是無可估量的!
On March 11, 2011, an earthquake with a Richter magnitude of 9.0 occurred at fourteen to three o'clock p.m. (local time in Japan) in the northeastern waters of Japan and a tsunami was produced by the earthquake, which caused heavy casualties and property losses. The tsunami produced by the earthquake affected the most area along the coast of Pacific Ocean and it caused the nuclear leakage accident of No. 1-4 units at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant of Japan, which touched the whole world. The earthquake is also known as “Great East Japan Earthquake”.
Japan is a decisive economic entity in the world, so the heavy blow suffered by Japan from the earthquake also makes the world economy in the “Recovery Phase” of an economic crisis become nervous. Atkinson, who is the organization spokesman of International Monetary Fund, has ever said that the occurent state of affairs in Japan exerts an influence on the global economy obviously, and he deemed that the east Japan earthquake would exert negative impacts on Japan and global economy within a short time.
There are 232 countries and regions in the world, in terms of area only, Japan with a land area of only over 370,000 square kilometers ranks about the sixtieth in the world, though it covers a small area, it is a country where earthquake happens frequently. In terms of earthquake magnitude only, the east Japan earthquake is not the most violent earthquake, in terms of casualties, it is not the earthquake with the heaviest casualties either. The earthquake magnitude of great Chilean earthquake in 1960 is high up to Richter magnitude 8.9 (it is also reported as magnitude 9.5 by some media). It occurred at the central sea area of Chile and causes tsunami and volcanic explosion. It is the earthquake with the highest earthquake magnitude in history. However, no earthquake exerts such a heavy influence on the world economy like east Japan earthquake. Why the earthquake happened in such a small country would influence the whole world and shock the global economy?
Before the 1860s, Japan was a backward and introverted feudal agricultural country, in the 1870s, Japan carried out militarism route and rose rapidly by foreign aggression and warring for plunder of wealth. After Japan was defeated in the Second World War, the economy of Japan faced serious collapse. However, after the war, Japan utilized the island country’s feature with many excellent harbors to import a great quantity of raw materials and fuel, utilized highly qualified and low-price labour force at that time in Japan to process raw materials and then export finished products to the international market. At that time, most countries in the international market were devastated after the war and they were having a great demand for industrial products and thus they helped Japan achieve its economic development. An “Import-Processing-Export” type economy was also formed gradually in Japan. This kind of economy plays a controlling position in the international trade market and also makes a fat profit, however, it has a very strong dependence on the international market, once there is a sign of disturbance or trouble on the international market, the economy of Japan will be affected inevitably, in the meantime, the economy of Japan will also influence the development of international economy. So we can say that the economic development model of Japan holds its fate together with the whole world.
Along with the gradual formation of world market, Japanese products in the late 20th century had taken a tiny space on the international market depending on reliable processing technologies. In other words, Japan has taken the world market as its own market, in case Japanese products disappear on the world market, there must be some people suffering from hunger or starvation. The economy of Japan is a relatively successful model under the grand pattern of world economic integration as it were, the integration makes the market become richer and causes stronger dependence on each other.
The earthquake brought serious casualties and property loss to Japan, because the earthquake gave rise to tsunami and fire, some cities such as Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture and Kesennuma have almost been destroyed and Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant also suffered a nuclear leakage which is the most serious nuclear accident in the past over 20 years. According to the report of Reuter's News Agency, the forecasts of Barclays Capital and Credit Suisse Bank deem that, the catastrophic loss of Japan may exceed JPY 15,000 billion which accounts for 3% of the GDP of Japan. The impact exerted by the earthquake in Japan on the world is immeasurable.